ERMCS 2024
Plenary 1: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers and Risk Blind Spots
Dr Sarjit SINGH
Senior Advisor, Audit & Assurance, Deloitte & Touche LLP; Leader, Deloitte Learning Solutions Southeast Asia
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to identify and address hidden risks is more crucial than ever. As organisations expand and diversify, so do the complexities of the risks they face. In this plenary session, we will dive deep into the unseen dangers lurking beneath the surface of organisational processes, exposing the often-overlooked blind spots that can derail even the most resilient organisations.
This session will empower leaders and risk professionals to sharpen their foresight, equipping them with the tools to detect early warning signs and act decisively. By understanding the anatomy of red flags and risk blind spots, you will gain insights into proactive risk management strategies, transforming vulnerabilities into opportunities for growth.
Join us as we illuminate the path forward, uncovering hidden dangers that threaten sustainability and guiding organisations toward a future of resilience and success.
Plenary 2: Mitigating Clinical Risks through Enhanced Surgical Safety
A/Prof TAN Hiang Khoon
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Future Health System), Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
Senior Consultant, Division of Surgery & Surgical Oncology, SGH & National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)
Group Director, International Collaboration Office, SingHealth
Clinical risk management in surgical settings is crucial, with data indicating that 30% of surgical deaths are preventable. A comprehensive strategy is essential for mitigating these risks, involving stringent privileging standards, harmonized care practices, advanced technological integration, and patient engagement.
A multi-faceted approach combines meticulous data monitoring, standardised practices, and patient involvement. By integrating these strategies, healthcare systems can better manage clinical risks and achieve optimal patient outcomes.
Plenary 3: Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific: A Singapore Perspective
Head, International Policy & Governance, Temasek International Pte. Ltd
Ashok Mirpuri will offer a personal perspective on current geopolitical developments in the Indo-Pacific from the vantage point of a former Ambassador with a front row seat of the policy evolution and changes in the region. Ashok was Singapore Ambassador to United States from 2012-2023, Ambassador to Indonesia, High Commissioner to Malaysia and High Commissioner to Australia.
Plenary 4: ERM Unleashed: Empowering Staff to Deliver ERM in Action
Cl Asst. Prof Jai Prashanth RAO
Senior Consultant, Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute (NNI)
Chair, ERM Education Taskforce (E2TF), SingHealth
Empowering healthcare staff to deliver warm, compassionate care within the framework of enterprise risk management (ERM) is essential for both patient safety and organizational resilience. When staff are empowered and motivated, they not only enhance patient experiences but also contribute to a culture of safety and continuous improvement.
Through the use of case studies, the talk will aim to distill learning points that can be applied to any organization looking to deliver compassionate ERM practices.
Plenary 5: Artificial Intelligence – Managing Risks and Leveraging Opportunities
Senior Director, AI Governance, AI Singapore
Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS) College, NUS
There are, now, hundreds of guides, frameworks, and principles intended to make AI “ethical” or “responsible”. Nevertheless, ever more powerful applications continue to be released ever more quickly. Safety and security teams are being downsized or sidelined to bring AI products to market. And a significant portion of AI developers apparently believe there is a real risk that their work poses an existential threat to humanity.
The tragedy of AI governance is that those with the greatest leverage to regulate AI have the least interest in doing so, while those with the greatest interest have the least leverage.
Resolving these challenges may require rethinking the incentive structures — or waiting for a crisis that brings the need for regulation and coordination into sharper focus.
Plenary 6: Risk Management in Aviation
Co-Founder, Aeroviation Singapore
In his speech on managing risk in aviation, Mr Iskandar will emphasise the critical importance of risk management not only within the aviation industry but also across various other sectors.
He will bring us through risk management key elements, which include Safety Culture, Communication & Collaboration and Technology & Innovation.
By incorporating the key elements into risk management practices, industries beyond aviation can enhance their resilience, minimise vulnerabilities, and foster a culture of safety and efficiency.
Plenary 7: Your 3rd Party Suppliers Should Not Be Your Weakest Link
Mr HOI Wai Khin
Partner, Technology Consulting, RSM Singapore
In the digital age, outsourcing enhances the backbone of organizational operations, providing critical hardware, software, and services that underpin digital infrastructure. However, when the weakest link in the chain is the 3rd party vendors, it exposes businesses to a spectrum of risks and vulnerabilities. This session delves into the intricacies of 3rd party supplier dependencies within organisational frameworks, examining the origins, consequences, and strategies for mitigating vulnerabilities.
Plenary 8A: Human Capital Risks in Singapore’s Healthcare Sector
Mr Sean TAN
Partner, Career Business Leader, Mercer
(Synopsis TBC)
Plenary 8B: Human Resources Practices, Human Capital Risks and Challenges
Group Head of Leadership, People Development and Experience, Prudential PLC
(Synopsis TBC)
Panel Discussion: Human Capital Risks - Navigating Human Capital Risks in the Age of Automation and Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Innovation with Workforce Security
Mr Sean TAN
Partner, Career Business Leader, Mercer
Group Head of Leadership, People Development and Experience, Prudential PLC
Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Human Resource Professionals
Plenary 9: To Kill a White Elephant
Dr LU Weiquan
Assistant Professor (Immersive Learning), Technology-Enhanced Learning & Innovation, Duke-NUS Medical School
Developing, deploying, maintaining and disposing of an Immersive Technology solution tends to be an expensive and risky undertaking. What’s even worse than a solution not functioning, is a functioning solution not fit for purpose. Hence, the birth of white elephants. In this session, participants will learn how to identify white elephants before they are even born and ensure that they never will be.
Plenary 10: Risk-Ready: Navigating the Risk and Resilience Journey
Managing Director, Strategic Risk Consulting, Marsh
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations face a multitude of risks that can disrupt operations and threaten their long-term viability. The COVID-19 pandemic is just one example that has underscored the critical importance of both risk management and resilience in any organisation.
This presentation will explore the synergies between enterprise risk, business continuity and crisis management, exploring how these disciplines can work together to enhance an organisation’s ability to navigate crises and build resilience.
Plenary 11: Risk Management in the Film, Media and Entertainment World
Mr Kelvin SNG
Managing Director, Production, Corporate & Education, Kelvin Sng Productions Pte Ltd
In today’s world where we are constantly bombarded by social media, streaming platforms and various sources of media, it has become incredibly important to be savvy about Risk Management in the entire media eco-system, from content creation to the final product delivered to the viewers. Any hiccup within the process can potentially create significant risk that will cause unnecessary issues with the public. Join Film Director Kelvin Sng as he shares his risk management stories in the film, media and entertainment world.
Plenary 12: Technological Transformation in a Highly Regulated Industry – What Are the Real Costs Involved?
Ms Cherilyn TAN
CEO, Tessaract Technologies
A sharing of Cherilyn’s technological journey as she founded to serve professional services industry starting with Legal industry.
Cherilyn aims to provide insights to delegates about the small steps we can take to progress conversations within the industry, the regulators as well as market players in order to create a product that can both replace legacy systems, and leverage on today’s technology stack to achieve more results, better workplace integration and a healthier workforce. She will also share a personal mission where the same technology can help a non-profit organisation that serves the community in areas of mental wellness.
Plenary 13: Roles of Human Factors in Managing Complex and Dynamic Risk in Organisation
Mr Edwin YAP
Vice President, Asia Pacific Region and EMEA, Chubb Global Risk Advisors Pte Ltd
Human factors and ergonomics are closely related disciplines that study how humans interact with products, systems, and environments.
Both human factors and ergonomics are crucial in our daily lives. They aim to apply scientific knowledge and methods to design safe, efficient, and user-friendly products, systems, and environments. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of humans, these disciplines can enhance human well-being, productivity, and satisfaction in various domains, such as transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, education, defence, and entertainment. They can also help identify and prevent potential hazards, errors, accidents, and injuries arising from poor design or misuse of products, systems, and environments.
Closing Plenary: Risk Landscape – Now and Beyond
Managing Director & Head of Financial & Professional Liability (FINPRO), Marsh
We will share what insurance and risk experts together with company executives from around the world see as the most pressing risks in the next 2 years, including misinformation, armed conflict and economic downturns.
The session will also explore perceptions of emerging challenges over a longer-term timeframe which include concentration of technology power and the expansion of organized crime.